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Being a Buddy


Are you friendly, enthusiastic and reliable? Sign up now to make a huge difference to the life of a young person!

All our our buddy pairings will start off online and move to in person when both buddies feel safe to do so and guidelines allow.

Please note: we are currently accepting buddies from 16+. Our buddies between 16-18 will only be able to buddy virtually whilst we set up the Youth Buddies Scheme.

Ready to get going?

  1. Apply using the button below.

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2. We’ll be in touch to arrange DBS checks and initial training.

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3. Get matched and receive your very own ‘Ultimate Guide to Being a Buddy’.

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4. You’re ready for your first meet-up! This will be online, with your buddy’s family present.


What to expect:


You will receive the ‘Ultimate Guide to Being a Buddy’ full of top tips and ideas for activities. There’ll be an initial training session followed by regular support and supervision.


You will meet up in person or virtually at least twice a month, with regular contact every week (via phone, email, text, or social media).

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Oxfordshire based buddies, worried about in person contact? All our buddy pairings will start off online, and move to in person meet ups when both buddies feel ready.

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Only live in Oxford during term time? Students are more than welcome to apply, we just ask you to keep up some form of contact (emails, calls…) over the holidays.


Any questions, give us a call on 07729 286 992, send an email to, or get in touch here. To find out more about our upcoming KEEN events, you can join our mailing list.

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