Our Supporters: DataSalon

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DataSalon is an Oxford-based IT company that has supported KEEN since 2013.

DataSalon says:

“Our Managing Director first came across KEEN as a student at Oxford many moons ago, and when looking for a local charity to support for Christmas 2013, a friend suggested KEEN. We were so impressed with the work that KEEN does, and the difference they make to young people's lives, that we supported them that year and continue to do so. We are a small company and our contribution isn't huge, but we feel that by giving our money to KEEN we can make a real difference.”

We are really thankful for the support we receive from DataSalon - it absolutely makes a difference! If you are an organisation that is interested in supporting KEEN too, you can visit our Support Us page to find out more.

If you want to learn more about DataSalon, you can visit their website here: www.datasalon.com.
