Our first potato harvest

Having acquired an allotment at Elder Stubbs (between Cowley and Iffley roads) in Jan 2019 this autumn was our first big harvest. We could already see loads of tomatoes and beans but the real treat lay in the soil…. After months of pulling out “evil weeds” it was time to dig up the potato harvest.

“It’s a potato” Logan shouted when we found the first, then another and another. Mysteriously our potato pile wasn’t growing very fast until we realised Rosie was scooping up the potatoes and running them straight over to her Dad! 

By the end of the afternoon we all had lots of potatoes for cooking as well as lots of other fruit and veg. Without our gardening coordinator Mary looking after the plot while we all took a break in August we definitely wouldn’t have had such an amazing harvest.

Here’s to many more years of gardening and many more meals straight from the KEEN allotment.