Meet the team behind KEEN Buddies

Esther Davies, Events Officer


Hi! My name is Esther and I’m going to be sharing my experience at KEEN buddies with you. I’m currently the events officer, and I started back in November 2020. I originally got into KEEN through my school, as they did an assembly asking us to consider joining. My job mainly consists of organising buddy and volunteer socials (all on zoom at the moment - I can’t wait until they’re going to be in person again!). I’ve really enjoyed my role so far at KEEN, I’ve met many great people and I enjoy all the socials we’ve had. Everyone at KEEN is so welcoming and I feel like I’m part of a really nice community.My favourite moment at KEEN would probably be our Christmas social! We did Christmas singing which was great fun, but my favourite part was making paper snowflakes! It was really fun seeing all of the different shapes people had made and seeing how creative people could get!I can’t wait to see what’s yet to come with KEEN and I look forward to our next social!

KEEN Buddies Christmas Party poster-01.jpg



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