Meet the team behind KEEN Buddies

Griselda Revia, Publicity Officer


Hello! I’m Griselda, and here I’ll be sharing my experience volunteering with KEEN. I started as a micro intern back in September 2020 and I’ve become the Publicity Officer for KEEN Buddies since then. During my one-week internship, I was given the challenge to work on KEEN Buddies’ publicity and outreach at its early stage. I feel honoured to be given the chance to design the KEEN Buddies logo during that week, and I was excited to be given the freedom to be as creative as I can be when developing KEEN Buddies’ webpage and publicity materials. The internship was brief, but it was a fun and rewarding experience! I then decided to join the KEEN Buddies team to get more involved. I soon find myself in a very warm and welcoming community.

Christmas Elf KEEN.jpg

As the Publicity Officer, I’m mainly responsible for crafting the KEEN Buddies’ weekly blog post (such as this one you’re currently reading!) and bulletin, and at times I help with designing logos and updating the website too. Together with the events team, I organise Buddies Socials and it has been so much fun! I love volunteering with KEEN because of the friendly community and exciting activities. It’s always a joy working with the KEEN Buddies team. Getting involved in KEEN is a fun yet meaningful way of taking a break from the busy university schedule.


If I were to choose my favourite moment with KEEN, it would be the time when I became a snowman on the Christmas Light Bus! With a few other volunteers from Mencap and Yellow Submarine, we wore costumes and delivered Christmas presents to both children and adults, it was really heartwarming to see them smile when they open their front door! As the bus drove around Oxford, we danced to Christmas songs on the open top deck of the light bus while waving to people on the street too!




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